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Hey guys! To start off, thank you for your support and interest so far in playing Zombie's Retreat! I've been racing around reading posts and discovering glitches so I'm going to be releasing a second revision of the Alpha very soon (likely tomorrow).

Issues that are going to be attempted to be fixed:

- undefined is not a function -
This error exists for a small amount of people playing Town of Passion as well. I did some testing on Discord and was able to get someone affected able to play the game. That change will be implemented in Alpha V2 so if you've had issues playing the game, hopefully this version will fix that.

- Friendly Zombies -
Late in my testing I ran into an issue where if a zombie attacked you while looting, it would soft lock the game. I added a delay in how often the game checks if you're getting attacked and for some reason, it seems now zombies aren't even damaging you anymore. Can't promise I will have this 100% functional in V2 but I want to continue testing things. A big part of this Alpha build is making sure I get the combat down so it may be a little bumpy until I get it right. Thank you for your patience!

I was also reading some critiques about looting and other mechanics. Please remember to read the included files. The 2 day reset timer on looting may feel oddly strict now but when more maps are released, this should help encourage players to explore different areas rather than constantly going back to the rec center for loot. I can make adjustments to this though in the future if need be!


Thank you guys again for your support! Apologies for any inconveniences caused in this build. Hopefully I'll be able to work out all of the major kinks in this upcoming revision.


jose hernandez

it remains me a lot to "A zombie life" and i mean it in a good way. I would like to see your project trive and success im gonna try to be a patreon of your project, if my work hunt is lucky.

Kravenar Games

Does Zombie's Retreat contain adult scenes? ò.ò


Is this a Troll??.... Yes it does, Leslie Shower and Rachel Gloryhole


es un remake del mismo artista pero con un nuevo desarrollador zombieslife ya no se va actualizar