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Hey guys!!  Siren back with another update and there's been quite a lot that's happened in the past couple of weeks!  I'll start with the thing that most people are probably curious about:

== Nergals Return! ==

A few days ago, Nergal announced that he's back to making games and continuing his project, Urban Demons.  If you somehow don't know who Nergal is, definitely check him out!

If you guys recall, this game's heavily inspired off of A Zombie's Life.  So now that he's back, how does this game change?  Not too much!

I asked him for his permission on possible cameos, references, etc and he declined for good reason.  A decision I understand and respect so don't expect any direct AZL references or cameo's.  The game's story, plot, etc are still continuing as usual.  Again, it really wasn't intended to build off of AZL much in the first place so everything continues as usual!

One small change I did make is a slight name change.  Instead of A Zombie's Retreat (meant to bare similarity to A Zombie's Life), I've changed it to just: Zombie's Retreat.  Still matches the theme but subtly disassociates itself from it's inspiration to further separate the two titles.

Note- I still need to update the logo ;P

Warm welcome back to Nergal!  I wish him luck with his current and future projects!!

== Story Premise ==

If you check at the top of the Patreon, you can see I've added a little snippet of the premise of the game!  It should help give you a little more insight as to the story and what's going to happen!

Don't forget, this game does take place in the world of Town of Passion so expect a little crossover between the games as time goes on!

== Progress Report ==

Scarlett's impressed me with how fast she's able to create art!  So far there's a scene already finished and animated.  I still need a couple others for the Alpha build so there's a little more diverse content but progress is going very smooth!

Alpha still planned for April!  

Thank you to all of the Patrons who have pledged early!  It really helps cover some of the initial expenses before the game is actually public and available for you guys to play.  I appreciate it immensely!  I'll see you guys soon with another update!




Thanks for the updated info. :D CHEERS (c)


What game engine is this? Rpg maker mv?