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Ch.0    Ch.1    A Rough Bond

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Some big shots in this page and I'm pretty pleased with it.  Yeah, Nera's not gonna be left out here, but there's a reason for Audrey's little sidetrack.  She's always got a plan.

Late night post eh?  I won't be around tomorrow afternoon so I'm putting this page out right away!  Gonna be putting out this months character poll in a bit as well.  Also how bout them Patreon changes?  That...is indeed a logo.  However the new collections tab is nice, you can now find categories in there for all my content.

Hi-res pages like this will only be put here on my sites, you can find the full-size file in the attachments below.




An early surprise! And seems like Audrey's going to turn Nera's vag into a mixing pot. And who knows what's going to come from it this time


Seeing Nera get a lil frustrated is a cute change.


Audrey's plan sounds very interesting! In some way the dynamic recalls that of the evocation of Asi, but now involves different natures... could it be a 'second' step? The details are top notch! Nera's face and her pussy too... without forgetting the X-ray effect.


Asi just got filled to the prim and Nera looks like she wants that too ❤️