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This weeks Scrawled page will be coming out over the weekend.  Been a bit of a sudden busy week.  First off I've been having issues with my arm and shoulder for a while so I started seeing a chiropractor regularly; turns out my spine is a bit shifted and my right shoulder is actually higher than my left.  Hoping that'll get better over the next few months.

Also...I got a cat!  Been wanting to get one for a while and the shelter my friend works at had a really cute little guy come in so I decided to finally jump in!  Last few days has been getting supplies and making sure the house is ready.  He's currently being a little shy in his room so I'll share more about that when he's warmed up to the place a bit.

So yeah, gonna get back to work today and over the weekend so hoping to have the next page up by end of the weekend.  Thanks for your patience!



I hope you are going to upload some pictures of the little guy ;).


I can't wait for kitty pictures 😍


Is that from long hours of drawing? Would a standing table help? Also my cat turned out to be a total crack head but I still love her


No worries about the delay. If your body doesn't get better on its own, I hope you can take some breaks. And new kitty friend!

Brady Schaefer

No worries about the delay!


Health as first thing! I wonder if it is possible to teach the cat some chiropractic techniques... :)


The career certainly didn't help my spine, but the cause was more likely some kind of impact/trauma when I was younger.


You take your time, mend, and get acquainted with your feline familiar.

David G.

Pussy pics or riot

David G.

I mean "cat" pics