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I like throwing in a bit of a joke to wrap up my comics, and what better way for the whole gang to be busted in the act.  That'll wrap up the story for this one!  Next week will be my off week but then I'll have one more post for this which will be the bonus image, cover, and full comic zip file.  After that I'll be moving on to my next comic project which will be Scott Pilgrim related, I'll be making another post after this to talk about that a little.

Hi-res pages like this will only be put here on my sites, you can find the full-size file in the attachments below.




That's all folks!


That's fuckin funny af like as her parents what do you even do tbh I'd just go in my room


Still makin Lotte adorable even in the end. Surprised she can handle two babes passed out on top of her legs.

Zhana (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-21 19:28:51 Poor Lotte😂 Love Akko & Diana cuddled up together, and lol Constanze and Jaz drapped over the back🤣
2023-02-15 23:25:41 Poor Lotte😂 Love Akko & Diana cuddled up together, and lol Constanze and Jaz drapped over the back🤣

Poor Lotte😂 Love Akko & Diana cuddled up together, and lol Constanze and Jaz drapped over the back🤣


Hah! And Constanze just lying on the top of the couch like a cat