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Been thinking about what kind of project I wanted to start with for my animations going forward and I've been doodling some ideas for a She-Ra and Catra strapon scene.  The plan will be something with a few different loops/shots with someone hired to help with the audio since I know bumpkis about that right now.  Nothing super extravagant but still much more than the typical loops I've been doing, something to get a better sense of a story.  I feel animations and comics are a lot sexier when there's an actual story to some extent.  So this will be my first project, it's something I want to take my time on but I'll be sharing animation wips as usual to get some animated content out more often.

Also random question!  I usually try to avoid posting on the last day of the month for the sake of people not renewing their pledge for the next month.  If I post something today will someone who unpledges still be able to see the post come tomorrow? (since they were actively pledged when the post happened)  Or are they automatically blocked from all my content on the 1st of the month?



Kirin Heftye

When we unsubscribe, we lose all teirs on the 1st of the month. No matter what.


I think you are blocked from seeing everything on the 1st of the month whenever a pledge is not renewed, but depending on timezones you can wake up early and see it because they don't go into effect until 1 PM Pacific time I think?

Kirin Heftye

But I have heard rumors that it is going to change soon; to a new system where it will reset a month after someone subscribed instead of the 1st of every month.


Catra presents: DAT ASS


Gonna unpledge and then repledge tomorrow, just to see how long it takes for me to be unable to see this post


We do have an option to switch to system where people can be charged when they join each month, but hopefully it remains optional.


Bleh, more reason for me to try not to post right at the last minute. At least people can see the post in the email notifications sent.


Maybe have Adora change into She-Ra during? Since She-Ra is like 8 feet tall, there could be a little size play as well. 🤔 😉 😁


Love the idea 💡 I would love seeing it in action 🤘




I adore (heh) the idea! 😍 Re: the unsubbing I can give you positive confirmation shortly.. Gonna have to unsub from everyone I follow due to unexpected expenses but should be resubbing next Friday or Saturday.


Catradora HYPE!!!😍😍😍


I guess let me know what happens then, and also if you're able to view this comment then. XD