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I've recently gotten into the graphic novel "Giant Days".  Good stuff, would recommend, but I've been looking at it and wanting to work on my expressions and exaggerate them a bit more.  That's something I'll be working on during these "non-naked" times of the story.

Also some of you have noticed Asi's hair; yup, she did like the hair on the punk girl a bit, but you may also remember this is actually hair I originally designed her in.  Before I brought her in I was doodling up random characters like the punk girl and thought it'd be a cute idea for Asi to "steal" her hairstyle.  So yeah, that took a bit of time for payoff.

Hi-res pages like this will only be put here on my sites, you can find the full-size file in the attachments below.




Plenty of good expressions on this page!


Sometime in your copious spare time (ha!) you should do a mini-comic of the raccoon stealing shoelaces


For a fertility demon, I wonder if she needs to feed on eggs. Maybe she plants stuff in people that causes oviparity!

Brady Schaefer

I honestly think your expressions are already pretty exaggerated and fun, but I'm excited to see you take them even further! 😊

Banana Panda

The expression for Asi at the end is priceless!!


Nera's expression in panel 5 looks like the same expression everyone in Soul Eater has when they have to deal with Excalibur.

Tommy Oliveira

Dunno why but Asi is waaaay cuter with the new hairstyle