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And the final image and cover to officially wrap things up!  I'm going to make a separate post sometime in the next few days that'll be the whole comic in one place for easier finding/downloading.  Thank you for reading and supporting me through this big project everyone!  It turned out to be quite a bit longer than expected, adding the Tron Bonne scenario helped with that.  Next week is pinups week, but the Wednesday after I'll be able to upload the first page of my Steven Universe College Connie comic.  This one will be much shorter, and I'm already feeling refreshed to be working on something new!

Lots of images and alts so there's a .zip files to get everything easily.

Hi-res pages like this will only be put here on my sites, you can find the full-size file in the attachments below.




Yessss I was looking forward to seeing this! Thank you so much!


This was definitely your best comic so far!


Absolutely stellar comic TOH!


Wooo man hard to believe its done. Been a ride. Glad i got to see this!


I absolutely loved this comic! The comedic romance was well done, and Tron, Roll, and Megaman are awesome and all belong together!


Awesome ending to an awesome comic! She might not have Megaman but at least Tron won't be lonely 😉


Loved this series. And that last pic with Tron is perfect. Sad it had to end but all good things come to an end. Look forward to what you have in store next!


It's been indeed quite the trip! Thank *you* for not giving up and delight us with so much brilliant works!

Banana Panda

Its been an absolute joy being here for the process of this comic coming to completion