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Tron gives in and gets what she wanted.  Yes, we're finally wrapping up in this project!  I'll have one more page to wrap up next week, then an extra image and cover image after that.  I can also say right now that after this comic my next project is something I've wanted to do for a little while now; a short story of an older Connie (Steven Universe) going to her first college party.  I'm making sure this will NOT be another 40+ page comic, this'll be much more manageable at around 8-10 pages.    After that I can hold polls for the next project, this is just something quick I want to do first.  I'm gonna start preparing the story for that as I finish these last few pages here.

Hi-res pages like this will only be put here on my sites, you can find the full-size file in the attachments below.




You already know Tron is more than happy to get it from Megaman.


Trons face is so cute here!


the su idea sounds interesting


Now they know what Tron's weakness is if she starts going back to her old ways.