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It's time to vote for this months pinup girls!  I've looked through your suggestions and picked the highest liked ones, as well as a few of my favorites.  2nd place will become this months pinup pic with timelapse video and 1st place will become this months pinup collage!  Feel free to vote for a couple that you'd like to see most!  Poll will close at the end of Wednesday.



Sooo... Is this months HI-Rez packgona come today or tomorrow?


it upsets me that Taiga isn't as popular here.... Would love to see her come up in a future poll and win eventually


You mean Rouge? She wasn’t one of the higher voted characters, and for personal picks I’m less likely to pick her since she isn’t one of my favs.


I'm honestly surprised that my idea was thrown into the mix!


didnt think id ever see a character done twice, but i aint complaining


Yeah, it’s been long enough since the Charlie pic that I’m fine with doing another. I just find it funny she was suggested the month that I actually “redid” the other Charlie pic.