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Every once in a while I just like to see what everyones interests are in my work; whether it's comics, animations, pinups, etc.  So if you had to pick one, what do you all like to see the most from me on here?

It's been a very weird last year with a lot of ups and downs.  I can't thank you all enough for your continued support; whether it's for a month or a year or whatever, it's incredible knowing I have people who enjoy my work.  Thank you all!



I have an idea for a comic but I can’t find anyone to commission it


As do i


Ohh come on guys. No love for Nera and friends so far? You got to admire the original work!

Mike T

I just recently found out about your work and Nera has to be one of my favorite OC ever




It's all good really. Though if I'm being honest, it would be nice to see a bit more of your own characters outside of their comic appearances and without having to hope they get suggested and voted on for the pinups each month.


Definitely your comics and scrawled.


As tempting as it is to see comics of well-known characters in your artwork doing "stuff :)". I really want you to focus on your OC characters and your webcomic (forgive me man because I know I'm kicking the dead horse every time I say this) . As much as I'm enjoying Scrawled and understand that you have to do a lot of work other than the comic, I can't get more interested and involved in it with the lack of elements that are needed in stories like yours such as world-building. Honestly, I feel like you have started off the welcoming by showing us the world Nera and her friend live in, then focus on the one sex scene you did. If I were to make a suggestion as to how to progress forward, why don't you make NSFW comics based on your Scrawled characters and the world instead of characters based on other IP? I know you said you were going to dump some information on your OC's world, but not knowing about the world Nera and the others live on doesn't help me understand them as characters better and how they deal with the world they live on. Sorry for the long comment, just wanted to get this out since you asked.


Thank you! I am trying to find ways I can do more pics or mini-comics of them, but finding time to do so is what's proving difficult.


I appreciate the input, thank you! I understand wanting to know more about the world they're in, and this chapter is meant to establish that. Oddly enough, todays page is the beginning of just that, I wanted to set up a chance to incorporate the lore into the story naturally. Looking back, the last chapter (Session 0) was somewhat of a test and time to establish characters, while this chapter is what I'm considering the actual start of the story and hopefully I can fill in that need for lore with it. I do have quite a few ideas for side stories that I'd like to make mini-comics out of as well for each character, but unfortunately finding time to do them is not something I have much of at the moment. Hopefully I can work out a schedule that'll let me do more in the future.


as much as i love your art style when it comes to other IP's I would love to see more of your OC and any of your OC characters the comic is a good start