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Thank you so much everyone for your support, especially in these last few months!  Back in the fall I was told my rental agreement would be up in the summer and I'd have to move out.  Thanks to you all I'm now making enough to just barely be able to afford renting a place of my own, and just in time!

I'll be moving on July 1st, so I'm going to be taking the week of 6/28-7/4 off to move and get everything sorted and arranged (as well as giving my wrists a much needed break).  I will still be holding the monthly character suggestions and polls as normal (as long as my internet gets set up ok), but there will not be a comic on 7/1 and 7/3.  I'm only taking 1 week off, so comics will continue as normal on 7/8.

Thank you for your understanding, and again thank you all for giving me the opportunity to make content like this as a career!  Whether you're here for just a day, a month, or a year, your support has made a huge difference in my life!  Thank you!



Good luck with your move.


Enjoy the break. Good luck!


Good luck!


Happy to help if even a little! Keep it up bud!


Just upped my pledge. Happy to help!


Congrats on moving out to your own place. Good to know that the support has been helping you in your life. Who knows, maybe we all can see some pictures of your new place.


Awww you don't have to do that! Thank you, just make sure to only give what you're comfortable and able to!