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Seems someone's getting a little antsy. Also note to self, draw more girls in underwear and socks.

Hi-res pages like this will only be put here on Patreon, you can find the full-size file in the attachments below.




Things are getting exciting! And yeah, undies and socks are a good combo. Doesn't quite beat nothing at all though...


It's great to see you some character development going from Nera. Especially considering all the pictures you've done of her and how they contradict her personality that you've said about her. We (or at least I) often forget that she only 19 years old and would be nervous when it comes to situations like these. Also, I don't know how many comics where they show the woman in her underwear AND socks. Though I will not lie, they cute on her. 😘😘


Thanks, It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while so I’m glad I can start fleshing her out. If anything Atti is the slut of the group, Nera’s more of a tease, so I’m looking forward to establishing that more!