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Quick updates first! Uraraka animation will be ready this week. I'm starting the character reference sheets for Scrawled this week as well. Either this week or next I'll make the polls for the next big animation and another for which character will get a pinup page done this month. Tonights character suggestion will be another themed one! Now on to the comic info!

I'm finally showing my early sketched for my comic, Scrawled! (downloads in the attachments are bigger and easier to read.) Apologies for the camera quality, I don't have a scanner on hand to scan them in. I'm gonna go over each image and what's going on in them:

1. The first sketches of Atti (left) and Colleen (right). These sketches are years old at this point and I kind of hate them to be honest XD, but they give an early look at the design phase and how much trouble I go through picking a hairstyle.

2. More finalized versions of Atti and Colleen. Atti's the more open and punky character while Colleen's more content and secretive. Also first sketches for dudes in the bottom corner.

3. The first bio info I wrote for Nera, Atti and Colleen, as well as a bit on Asipelli and starting to plan out the world. Info isn't finalized and I'm still working out the kinks.

4. More notes on the world and story. Some logo ideas, I jotted down "Scrawled quickly to get an idea for that...well, "scrawled" look. Audrey's Boutique of Serenity and Repose will be where Nera and Atti work; a small shop specializing in literature, erotic toys, and massage therapy in the back.

5. Look, dicks! I really haven't spent much time designing the male characters yet. Still need to finalize their designs, names, and I'd like to make one more character. They'll come into the story more once the other characters are established.

6. Getting an idea for how Audrey's little corner shop boutique will look.

7. Audrey herself. The owner of the boutique, she's a bit more calm and sophisticated than the other characters. Sorry for the censors on this one, but there's still some info on her I don't want to reveal right away. She's got...secrets.

8. Random Nera doodles, also Bethanie! Audrey's assistant in the shop, she's the first of the "semi-demon" characters. Again, you get to see how picky I am with choosing a hairstyle.

9. Slightly more finalized look for Bethanie. She's the shorty of the group, despite being older. At the bottom is Asipelli (left) and Onoko (right). Asi is a fertility deity who Nera happens upon, she'll be tagging along to cause whatever shenanigans need to occur. She's not from this time, so I wanted her clothing to be a mix of different things. Onoko is another demon character. The cold blood means she always dresses in layers. She isn't very emotional, but more conniving and calculating.

10. The last of the girls, Elena. Tough and energetic, she's the leader of a roller derby team "The Tommy's"; a group of tomboyish girls recognized by the ties tied around them. We also have some designs for Atti's vespa, something she customized by adding a jumbled mess of parts onto. At the bottom I was working on figuring out Nera's work uniform.

I'd love to hear if you guys have any thoughts/suggestions. None of this is finalized and I'm always adding more planning to the story and characters. I'm excited to finally be able to bring this comic to life, and it's thanks to you guys! I still plan on bringing you the animations and regular comics I'm known for, but it feels relieving being able to work on my personal project as well. Thank you!




Damn, big update and super impressed. Eyes don't really work well enough to read those pages lol but from the detail in the posted info I'm super excited and this looks like it's going to turn out amazing. All the writing on the page reminds me of how I design my writing pieces😂 Take whatever time you need, you know we are all looking forward to it. Good luck.👍👍👍👍👍


Thanks for posting these sketch pictures man. Downloaded and looked at each of the pictures and gotta say, there something about looking at a person's sketchbook and their drawings that allow you to better understand that person and I want to say that I think I can see that by looking at these pictures. I can't wait for the webcomic to come out. Good luck writing and drawing the story. Just remember to take your time and think things about the story through. :) :)


Thank you! I've been waiting a while to start this so hopefully it'll be worth it!