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And with that this comic comes to a close! Thank you everyone for your support and helping this comic become a reality! In the files below you'll find the cover images, the extra sketches page, and the .zip files for the full comic (had to make 2 due to Patreons 200mb file max). I'll also be uploading the images from the sketch page individually in the next hi-res pack. I'll have more info on the status of the animation and the next comic when I post the weekly pic Sunday night.

Hi-res pages like this will only be put here on Patreon, you can find the full-size file in the attachments below.




This was a WILD ride and I cannot wait to see what the next comic has in store XD Imma save the heccin hecc outta this~


I'm not one to usually comment on things, but wow this comic blew me away. And I haven't even seen the anime it's based on! I didn't even make it through to the second half (the 1st half was all I needed).


Good work on the comic man and All that time working on it was not wasted :)!!


Part 2?