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Greetings adventurers:

Welcome to our first collab! This scene is thanks to a collaboration with Essendi. Essendi makes battle maps, assets, and scene work. Look out for more collaborations to bring these beautiful scenes to these encounters.

In march we will announce a new project and collab to bring more Fantasy and more maps to you :)

This dungeon holds many monstrosities, traps, and serves as the epic conclusion to this campaign. Crazy to think we are 2 maps away from finishing the campaign!

Scene Flavor:

A winding ledge along the face of a sheer cliff rounds a corner, and suddenly the vista is one of terrifying beauty. This vista is dominated by the lifelike rendition of a five-headed dragon carved out of the stone of the cliff face.  The dragon is massive—easily a hundred fifty feet tall—and carved to look as if it were perched upon the wide ledge and emerging from the stone itself. The heads protrude from the cliffside, each leering down as if to challenge any who dare to approach. Each head is that of a different dragon, and each has a mouth agape in an eternal roar.  At the base of the cliff, under the dragon’s belly, a huge pair of closed stone double doors are set into the cliff. The motif of the five-headed dragon is repeated here, although this time only the dragon’s necks and heads reach out from around the door’s frame. Each of these heads seems crafted from a different type of stone—obsidian, alabaster, soapstone, malachite, and marble—corresponding to the coloration of each head.

Click the link for your tier maps!)

  • Free - Logo Non Gridded Ground Floor
  • Map Seeker - Gridded and non gridded Ground Level at high resolution
  • Map Mercenary- Gridded and non gridded Ground Level at high resolution of ground, ground clean, night, night clean, sunset, and sunset clean
  • Map Adventurer part 1, part 2, Foundry- All of the above with the Prepared Foundry File (walls, portals, and lights), dd2vtt file and Dungeondraft file

Up next:

Fane of Tiamat Lower Fane: Our adventurers head deeper into The Red Hand of Doom's Sanctum.

Happy Adventuring!

My deepest thank you to my supportive patrons:

Jonathan Rizzi, Andrea M Chandler, Thomas V, nikkiro, Jason Sylvia, Tomas Crickmore, Andrew Slater, A, Milo, David, Jay Farschman, J, RelayTheory, Guidrion, Ayachuco, Oliver Clarkson, Dungeon Crawl Minis,  Travis Cudlin, Ultor, and ZabolProductions.

Thank you for being awesome!




I just started running this as an upscale 5e and your maps have been great. Thanks so much.

Canvas Quest

Thank you :) I’m working on the Foundry files right and should have them released by end of March


Just wanted to pop in and say thank you for adding Dungeondraft files ontop of map variations and dd2vtt. I'm sure it's a lot of work, but it is nice to have the option to tailor maps ever so slightly to fit my needs :)

Canvas Quest

I’m happy you’re finding value from it! I noted on another comment, but this map and future maps will have Foundry ready files now. I’ll make an actual notification post to update everyone. Steadily adding more every month