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Greetings adventurers:

Happy holidays everyone! Enjoy some time away from work and make merry memories with family and friends.

Scene Flavor:

Rising from a low mesa is an intimidating sight. A massive lion of stone crouches, as if ready to pounce on a nearby hill. The cyclopean monolith is composed of a dull tawny stone. It looks to be about two hundred forty feet in length, and the top of its maned head rises over eighty feet from the ground. There seems to be some sort of hollow between the lion’s front paws, in the area bordered by its chest. Likewise, hints of a dark cave are apparent in its gaping maw.


  • Free - Logo Gridded Ground Floor (attached below)
  • Map Seeker - Gridded and non gridded Ground Floor
  • Map Mercenary - Gridded and non gridded Ground Floor and Second Floor
  • Map Adventurer, Foundry - All of the above with the Prepared Foundry Files, dd2vtt file and Dungeondraft file

Up next:

We are jumping to the Battle of Brindol with the Save the Walls Encounter next.

Happy Adventuring!



Jay Farschman

Excellent timing. My players headed to Brindol because they don't know how to find the exact location of this lair so I have an extra week. Great map and the color palette fits my interpretation of the Thornwaste.

Canvas Quest

Thanks! My PC's struggled to find the Ghsot Lord's Lair location as well.. Friendly suggestion, the nearby town of Dunesend should have someone familiar with the Ghost Lord's tale and give guidance on how to find it. The nightly ghostly lions should prove a beacon in the night sky. For a price of course..