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Greetings adventurers:

This week, we head into Chapter 2 of the Red Hand of Doom adventure to showcase the lost Mercenary Gold encounter. This is usually in the woods, but we like our desert, summer, fall, and winter options.

Scene Flavor:

You spy trouble ahead on the road. In the shade of several tall poplars, a two-horse wagon has been dragged off the road. Small goblins clamber all over the wagon, shouting in wicked glee, while a pair of hulking, two-headed monsters roar and shout at the goblins. You think you can make out a couple of motionless bodies in surcoats of blue and white lying at the side of the road.


  • Free - Gridless Summer Variation (attached below)
  • Map Seeker - Gridded and non gridded summer variation
  • Map Mercenary - Gridded and non gridded desert, summer, fall, and winter variations
  • Map Adventurer, Foundry - All of the above with the Prepared Foundry Files, dd2vtt file, and Dungeondraft file

Up next:

We are Heading to the North Road Blockade before we enter the Blackfens and cleanse the Ruins of Rhest.



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