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Hello again folks!

First off, I'd like to thank everyone for the kind and supportive messages I've been sent. I haven't replied to all of them, but I have read all of them.

Thank as well for your patience with me in this time.

I'm afraid I once again have very little to offer in the way of progress this week, as I spent the week until Thursday dealing with the closure of the discord server. 

I am having some difficulty returning to work quickly. I want nothing more than to just work on my game and feel a sense of joy in that again, but it's a bit difficult. I admit, this is the first time since before 2018 that I've wondered if I have the strength for this career, and fantasized about working a 'normal' job.

I have been recovering my health, both physical and mental. I'm beginning to be able to sleep and eat again almost normally.

However, I am finding a bit of difficulty using my computer. While the pressure of the server may be gone, social media is still a minefield of people hurling insults and anger at me. I've been called everything from 'malignant people pleaser' to """nazibob""", and I'd love to say that I just let it roll off my back, but I'm pretty sensitive. Every new click or scroll on social media sends a new wave of adrenaline and fear through me.

So, I've been trying to unplug as much as possible.

I'm really hoping that I can continue to recover this weekend and reduce my fear of my computer enough to have a normal work week next week.

I did manage to do just a tiny bit though.

A little while back, in the late server, a conversation between people gave me the inspiration to add some new dialogue to Day 3. At the end of last week, I went back and plugged in side-sprites for the new conversation, including one new expression.

I'll paste a bunch of snippets to try and make up for my lack of progress ^^;



gato I love you and support you but you have to make this game willingly. so you can bear what happens


POOKIE! I’m so late on this update, but I love it. Thank you for staying strong throughout all this. I know it may feel like sometimes you don’t have a choice but to stay strong- but I’m proud you’re still going if that makes sense. Much love darling 💖




I’m so sorry to hear people are saying those things to you if it makes you feel any better at all to hear this your games bring so many people joy and so many people like myself look up to you and your positive attitude through all the situations you’ve been through it’s inspiring. Don’t let keyboard warrior losers online bring you down or make you doubt yourself at all you’re wonderful. And social media is always gonna have people like that which is sad and frustrating, just keep your head up and do whatever makes you happiest. Take all the time you need away from social media. (And the game’s looking great!! I love the dialogue!)


I'm really sorry that all these horrible things are happening to you, you seriously don't deserve it at all and I wish it wasn't happening. I really appreciate you continuing to work despite this, I found BTD/TPOF at an extremely difficult part of my life and your games brought me so much joy, I don't know if I could have gotten through that time without the meaning your art gave me. I sincerely hope that things blow over soon and that you're able to take lots of breaks and rest, your health comes first and we will continue to support you, thank you for continuing to persevere, it's extremely inspiring and I wish you all the best