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Hi everyone! I'm sorry I forgot to update yesterday! 

It's been a very hectic week ^^;

Last week, I spent 100% of my time grinding out the UI for the in-game dialogue screen and associated images.

I spent the first half of the week building this UI:

And then struggling in vain to try and edit the HP/sanity bar to suit it

But then I and the people talking with me in the remix-discussion channel of the discord came to the conclusion that the UI design just wasn't working.

I had my first breakdown of the project! At this point, I consider tears to be an integral part of the process with these long projects LMAO

But of course, breakdowns are not giving up. I got back to work on a new design the next day.

After some cooking, I managed to crack out a revamped UI that I like a lot better.

Here's the current UI:

I fee a lot more confident about this design. I've also put a lot of effort into transitions and animation polish behind it.

You may also notice a few new fonts! I've picked out some great fonts for the UI, dialogue, and possibly for the menus and start menu as well!

I'm currently quite enamoured with this one for the title.

Basically, all in all, last week was a huge roller coaster. I probably worked way too many hours, I got super upset in the middle, but now I feel great with the final result of all the struggling LMAO

It's also been a crazy week in my personal life. I had more people in and out of my apartment fixing the drywall [ it's all fixed now but now my kitchen sink has no water pressure 😂 ]

There's also been very bad smoke here from local wildfires making life difficult. I haven't been able to take as many walks. Yesterday and today are so bad there's ash flying everywhere... But there's rain forecasted so hopefully that helps.


Next week I will likely be doing more menu and UI design. I got a surge of inspiration for the start menu design, so I think I'll try to strike while the iron's hot on that.

I also need to create a credits page ASAP since the end of the month is coming and I'm going to need to start listing $20+ supporters in the credits like I did for TPOF!

On that note- if you've pledged $20 or more this month, please send me a message letting me know what name you'd like me to put in the credits for you [ I'll default to your patreon username if I receive no answers ] But don't worry, I'll remind you guys about that again soon.

I think that's about all I have for updates this week! Sorry again for the late update ^^; I just had too much stuff going on I think.

Stay safe and have a good week everyone! <3



God I feel you with the wildfires. I live in Saskatchewan and we're getting it pretty bad here too. Can't wait to go outside again :']


Oh the ui looks amazing!! I really hope the wildfires die down soon too, fingers crossed for the rain 🤞


I don't know why but I'm getting a lot of Persona 5 vibes from the UI. I love it!!


I have to admit when I first saw the sanity/health meter I wasn’t really a fan of where the UI was heading, felt it was drawing a bit too much inspiration from another game and it didn’t look stylistically appropriate. The more I look at the new UI though the fonder I’m growing of it! The thick lines may contrast unfavourably against the sprites I worry but it looks very interesting!


ouch... my bones... lolol


Ooo that UI redesign looks good! It has a better flow to it than the first version. Prototyping stages for any project are always rough, I totally understand the struggle of staying motivated when something doesn't turn out right on the first go. Hope you stay safe, gato! ^^


Getting so excited for this project!! The first prototype UI chef kiss👌, but that revamped UI looks ✨️ A M A Z I N G ✨️ it's still got that fun shape and the flow really stands OUT how its all put together with the health/sanity/sprite to box it all in there. Hhhhhh I can already feel the anxiety this man is gunna send me into 😩 And that's exactly what we're here for. HIT ME WITH THAT ADRENALINE 💖💖💖 Best of luck, Gato! Best of wishes ✌️ Hope you have a safe week 👉👉