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Good morning friends! It's time for a remix update!

As you guys probably know by now, I'm fully into full time production of the Strade remix!

Last week I did a bunch of the planning, and that's what I finished up early this week. The planning document is now complete! [ I've blurred most of it for the sake of non-spoilers :) ]

After I got the planning done, I spent a day cleaning up my hard drive [ I had TPOF scattered everywhere and no organization for new games ], researching game size and resolution [ ran a poll after agonizing for researching too long lmao ], and researched computer upgrades and RAM in case my 2015 computer isn't able to handle the process for a new game [ it's becoming a concern... but I'm hoping I can buy a new computer around this coming winter ]

After that all got squared away, I built the shell for the remix and got to work on some basic setup. 

Then I dove in to the coding for the HP and Sanity bars- and it went great! I also fully designed them because I got pretty excited LMAO They actually look and work just like how I was imagining!! I'm very happy about them.

Then for the very end of the week, I did a tiny bit of design work for merch- I've finally gotten my expensive Pantone color booklet in the mail, so I can make an order for new pins with colors. I'm planning on making some higher quality heart pins [ like the old heart pins if you remember ], and a shock collar pin.

This design isn't final but it's sorta close to what I want. I might remove the top bolt...still not quite sure.

But anyway, that's what I was up to last week!

Next week I will probably be fiddling with more UI design elements and possibly start getting into writing the script :)

I'll also need a day to finalize my merch designs and get a restock order going from vograce.

And I suppose that's all I have to report!

Thank you guys so so much for your support, I'm so excited to be working on this project with you guys! 

Stay safe and have a great weekend! <3



I've always been a huge fan of Strades look. I just want to hug him. I know that's a bad idea but he looks so fun to hug!


i’m genuinely so so excited for this it’s all that’s on my brain 😭


the photo taking its time to load: got any more of them pixels? /ref /j




moar pins!! &lt;3 ee so excited fo'more content &gt;3c

Phoenix Astra

dude this looks so fucking amazing