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Hello again friends!

It's nearly time for me to return to work, and we'll be starting a new project!

So I'll just jump right in to it- I'm thinking on Monday, I'm going to hold a stream in our discord where I'll be playing Strade's route in BTD1 and taking notes on how to improve it. I'm thinking this will probably take a few hours at least.

Here's the details:

Time: Monday April 24 10AM MDT [ UTC -6 ]

Place: Our Patreon discord server [ newly renamed 'Blood, Gore, Horror and More!' ] the 'and more' is the dicks. You'll be able to find info about it in the 'event-info' channel!

How to connect to a Patreon creator's discord: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Getting-Discord-access

What's gonna happen: I'll be streaming my copy of BTD1 [ which might be a little funky... I actually can't run the official copy on my mac, so I need to boot up the creator files through renpy- and my files aren't the final version LMAO BUT WE WORK WITH WHAT WE HAVE

I'm going to play through the game while asking chat members opinions on things and also making several notes myself.

I will also probably be cringing hard at my old work, but alas, this is unavoidable and kind of the point of remixing LMAO

It might get a bit boring and technical, you have been warned!


I'm looking forward to getting started and getting down to some real brainstorming with you guys! I'm sure if we all get some input, I can make something really special! ^o^

Anyways, thank you guys so much for your help and support! Have a safe and fun weekend! <3



Lucky I'm working from home that day so I can hopefully do this!

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How to improve anything btd related: more ren m