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Hello again! It's time for updates!

Current DLC Sprite completion: 61/107

Please don't tell anyone outside of the Patreon community about the DLC! I really want it to be a secret! Thank you!

I got a lot done last week! Very busy chunking out almost all of the remaining back turned sprites. I was able to get through them fairly quickly since they generally involve putting variations into existing art.

I still have one last back turned sprite to do, but then I'll be moving on to different sprites, mostly closeups.

Without further ado, here's some of the sprites I finished last week!

I'm not gonna post all of them since I did 13 last week and some of them are just minor variations, but you get the idea!

I'm very happy with the progress and eager to work on some new poses next week :)

Thank you guys so much for your support and kindness!!! As always, it's a pleasure to work for you ^o^

Take it easy and have a great weekend! <3



Good lord. I wanna hold his lil waist


These are looking so freaking cool. I love this kind of lighting and you did amazing things with it.

knedit knedit

rennnn hhfhdmldnj &lt;3


Ren, get that tentacle dildo out of your hand lmao I do not trust that boy to have cleaned that thing, wherever it's been...




Sorry! It stands for 'Downloadable Content' it's like an extra bit added on to an existing game [ in this case, TPOF ]


ooooh okay! wait so if you already downloaded tpof then will you still have to buy the extra content?


Not in this case! The DLC I'm making right now for TPOF will be free :)

Phoenix Astra

He is like, so fine as fuck


omg the tentacle? sir?