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Hello again folks! We're changing the schedule a little and I'm posting on Friday because I'm not gonna be home tomorrow or next week at all.

Current Sprite Completion: 35/107

Weekly reminder: Please don't tell people about the DLC, I want it to be secret <3

I'm sorry to report that I really didn't get very much work done last week ^^;

I'm boarding a plane tomorrow and I've had travel anxiety all week. I'm unfortunately very sensitive about schedule changes and they really mess my shit up. I couldn't really concentrate on anything, so I avoided working on the DLC because I know I would be doing sub-par work if I forced it.

I did manage to get a tiny bit of work done, just simple variants of the standing sprite:

There's also a couple versions with no mask on, but I think I'll keep those to myself for fun :)

On Tuesday I tried to switch gears to work on a special personal project of mine, but I didn't get a whole lot of that done either ^^; 

It's a weird picture called 'Tempest' that I drew 16 years ago, and again redrew 8 years ago. I'd really like to draw another version since another 8 years have passed.

I'm hoping I'll be able to finish that pic when I get back from my trip, because it is rather special to me... I just wish I hadn't forgot about it until this late in the year LMAO

So I hope you guys will be patient with me for all these weird delays this month 🙏 I promise I'll be back to normal full steam DLC production in January! And then progress will probably happen a lot faster.

Speaking of progress, I also got news about the last huge Vograce shipment last week! I'm told the production of the pillows should be completed today [ the 9th ] and they'll be shipped out to me sometime over the weekend! So merch hell is finally coming to a close!

Anyway, thank you guys so much for your support, and for enabling me to even take this break. I appreciate from the bottom of my heart and I will not let you down!

Have a safe and fun weekend! <3

PS - I saw a shooting star this morning... and I googled it- apparently there will be a meteor shower this week while I'm gone! https://www.almanac.com/content/what-are-geminids-geminid-meteor-shower

If the skies are clear and you're free on the night of the 13th, you should try some stargazing :)


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