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Hello again friends!

I don't have a whole lot to report this week- I've just been hammering away at keychain art! 

I might need to take it a bit easier though, I've been pulling to many hours and making myself really tired and making my wrist act up again 😅

BUT I have made some great progress! I got the BTD fullbodies done :D [ I've got inking and some flats on half of Celia's right now too- it's in progress.

[ sorry for cropping the tips like that LMAO I'm just being protective so no one else can print them if they fall into the wrong hands ]

But I'm really quite pleased! I really think they're much better than the old ones. And I like the updated designs of the characters in general too [ my style has changed a bit but I'm also making some deliberate adjustments/tweaks to their designs ]

I've been thinking about future projects and while I'm not ready to announce anything yet, I might be doing something that involves drawing the classic crew again :3c So it's been important to me to consider design tweaks.

I feel like they're more distinct now and more true to what I really envision for them. Happy about it!

Anyway, I'm gonna leave this one short and get back to chilling- I hope you guys have a really nice weekend! Stay safe! <3


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