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Current CG Completion: 164/181

Hello friends! And Merry Christmas to anyone who celebrates!

Last week I took it a bit easy and part 2 and 3 of a spicy Celia scene ^^; Censored again because I just feel like it lmao

I hope everyone's been having some fun and relaxing time during the winter holiday season! 

Unfortunately I didn't get to see my extended family, the roads were too icy and dangerous so we had to turn back :< But I had a small xmas celebration with my parents [ I live near them ] anyway and it was actually very nice and chill. I bought a chicken combo from the local grocery store 😂 

I also splurged in a new video game for myself since I haven't actually had any recreational activities to do in a long time. I found a really nice switch game [ Yonder ] for $17 on sale! It's so relaxing and I'm happier than I've been in a long time ^o^ I should have put more effort into finding pleasant things to do a while ago 😅

Anyway, time for pics!

I did take Friday off tho, cuz xmas- but I'm back at it again on Monday :) My game is helping me feel refreshed and I honestly don't feel like I need a large break yet. If I can make it, I think I'll schedule a break for myself once the art is all complete. 

And of course, I'd like to say a very special Thank You So Much to you guys for the support, hype, and kindness over the past year. I know I've been a mental mess sometimes, but I'm so so glad I was able to spend my year working on this with you. I wouldn't have had it any other way. Thank you so much for being in my life and coming with me on this insane crazy journey of trying to make a weird game with too much art in it 💚💚💚💚💚

Have fun and stay safe this weekend! <3


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