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Current CG Completion: 151/181

Hello again folks! It's that time of the week again!

Something amazing happened to me last week- my brain produced a molecule of serotonin! Instead of dragging my reluctant mind and body through an endless fog where fun things feel like chores and chores feel like peeling my skin off, I actually felt sensations like Accomplishment™ and Hope™! Absolutely wild!

I think it may be related to the snow finally falling here, which actually increases the amount of sunlight that can get in my eyeballs by quite a bit [ snow reflects a lot of light ]. It's a bigass blizzard and it dumped several feet but ya know, I will take it over crushing total despair any day!

And, with the rush of experiencing some positive feelings, I was shockingly productive. I actually got EXTRA work done! [ WHACK! ] I have also restarted my home yoga routine to hopefully keep the serotonin flowing and de-atrophy my shrivelled muscles ^o^

Anyway, enough of my bragging, let's get into the CGs!

I'm so pleased with the lighting on these ones! They actually came out how I was envisioning them in my head, which is a very rare thing! And since I was able to re-use some resources [ parts of the sketch, some chunks of shading ] for the second one, I saved enough time to squeeze in the sketch for a third CG early, allowing me to get 3 full CGs done this week ^o^

The last one I got done was this! Even in scribble form, this was one of my favourite Celia CGs. I will openly and shamelessly admit that I was delighted to include a 'boobs and butt' pose xD I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to make it work with proper anatomy, but nope- it totally works from this angle! I also threw in a touch of weird red rim lighting for absolutely no reason. Just wanted to treat myself tbh. 

I'm actually kinda shocked to see there's only 30 CGs left to draw. It feels like only yesterday I was staring down 181 and feeling like it would never be done. I'm starting to feel the nervousness LMAO but I can't stop this crazy train now, it's far too late for that. We're ride or die now.

I've looked over my remaining CGs, and it's about 1/3 sexual content so things are probably gonna get pretty spicy around here soon x'D Unfortunately, there's also some I can't show whatsoever. 6 of them are so spoilery that I can't show any part of them- but I suppose I'll deal with that bridge when I get to it. I might do those ones last and give y'all warning so you can reduce or remove pledges [ as you wouldn't be getting to see much for those weeks, rip 😩].

But we'll get to that when we get to that- one thing at a time!

In fact, I'd say that's about all I got for today! Thank you guys so much for sticking with me for so long during all this. For the support [ financial and emotional ], and for just sticking with me through countless mental health breakdowns. I don't want to get too serious or anything, but there have been some times when the promise I made to you guys to complete this game was the only thing keeping me going. It means a lot in a way that I'm not sure I can express. Thank you.

Have a great weekend and stay safe out there eh? <3


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