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Hello friends! It feels great to be back! Sorry for the late-day update, usually I'm scrambling to complete a CG when I do this but this time I just plum forgot because my routine's been disrupted x'D

But I'm here now and I have CGs to show you! Mild warning for neck cutting violence!

This week went as smooth as butter despite my ER trip x'D [ amazing how sometimes I can accomplish that and other times I can't because 'brain bad' ]. I got 3 CGs complete because one of them was a relatively simple alternate version.

It's been kind of wild to see that I'm really rounding the bend on this work. Coming back and re-assessing everything really gave me an impression of how much work I've actually completed so far. Testing the game to view my new CGs, I really felt like I'm starting to get an impression of what it's going to be like when it's completed. I'm so jazzed to be able to say that it's really actually something special. The experience with SO MANY CGs really is a cut above BTD. The action feels a lot more 'action-y', and there's parts that feel a lot more immersive in my opinion, since the scene keeps updating to show you what's happening [ instead of imagining, like many long stretches in BTD ].

I'm also happy with how my art's evolved. I think all this constant pressure-practice has given me a serious amount of experience, which is really starting to pay off. All in all, I have great feelings and I'm just pleased as punch to be working again! ^o^

But let's stop talking and start showing you some art eh?

This one was relatively easy since so much of it is basically gradient! Thank goodness too, since this is the one that got split up by my ER visit x'D Also, the reason it's taller than usual is because of a camera pan :)

Next up is some violent shenanigans with Celia! I'm quite happy with how this one came out too. I feel really good about Harold's expressions and general look. It's really wild to look back on my ancient projects like TINR and remember how I had no idea how to make faces look different. I remember being SO frustrated with anatomy as well. Now I feel like with enough time and care, I could almost do anything! It's very exciting!

And of course, before I close up, I must thank you all again profusely for giving me this opportunity and supporting me so much. It's not just TPOF you're giving me, you're giving me all this new experience with writing, coding, and of course drawing. I know how rare it is for people to even have the ability to practice these things for so many hours, and I'm DEEPLY grateful for this privilege. Thank you so so much for giving this to me!!! <3<3<3



I didn't want to mention it before, but I've been thinking about this since Monday. When I was in the emergency room, I stayed in a hospital bed for 12 hours right next to a lady just a little older than me who tested positive for covid. [ don't worry about me I'm vaccinated and there was masks/curtain separating us ]

I spent 12 hours awake, listening to her struggle to breathe. Imagine someone constantly cartoonishly hiccuping. Four 'hiccups' for each normal breath I took. She was coughing too, horrible and wet, and crying from the pain of a splitting headache. If you heard what I heard, you would never call this a flu. 

I heard them give her medication too, puffers every 10 mins to try and open her lungs. Morphine. Serious stuff. And it was wearing off, it wasn't working. I was awake the whole time with my own pain, and she only managed to sleep for like 15 mins once, with terrible sick snoring. I got to go home, she didn't. I don't know what happened to her after I left.

The reason I'm saying this is to beg you to be safe. Please get vaccinated if you can. Please wear your masks. I don't want anyone on earth to ever have to go through what she was going through. Get scared and die in my games instead- stay safe in real life. I'm literally begging you.


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