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Current CG Completion: 102/181

Hello again folks! It's time for another update!

Last week was a bit rocky, I have to admit. I did just barely get my work quota done, but it was a real struggle against some catastrophically bad mental health days. Not sure exactly what went wrong but I think it was something between the heat wave messing with my hormones and grieving still. I won't go into details but it wasn't pretty x'D

Anyway, like I said, I did at least get my work done!

This bastard took me 3 days instead of my usual 2, but I'm happy with the results :D I managed to find a couple good texture brushes for wood so it wasn't actually as technically difficult as I was expecting- the extra time to complete it was really more due to my mental health than difficulty ^^;

And I did complete another CG but unfortunately it's big spoilers so I can't drop it ^^; Here's a chopped slice of it though:

I'm proud of how Mason's hair came out x'D Honestly his hair is actually the hardest to draw of all my characters. It may be short but it's so complicated!

I started another CG too, but it's also kinda spoilery so I may not be able to show much of it either next week ^^; I guess that's future me's problem.

But yeah! I'd say that's about it! Might as well keep it short and sweet :D 

Thank you guys so much for your support! It's kind of exciting to be on the other side of halfway done with these. It's starting to feel more real, which is good but also kind of scary x'D

I hope you guys are doing well! Have a wonderful summer week! <3


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