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CG Completion: 36/181

Hello again friends! It's time for updates!

What a fuckin week eh? I don't know about you guys but I feel like I took significant psychic damage x'D But there's a lot to be happy and hopeful about too, so I'm just gonna do what I do best and concentrate on my work LMAO

Surprisingly, I think I did get a pretty good amount of work done! So let's just get into the CGs!

First up is the Derek CG I started last week! A fairly simple CG [ boy am I reaping the rewards of choosing a desert area now, I love just drawing a sky for a background hehehe xD ]

This CG also has two variants:

Which were very fun to do because drawing expressions is still my favourite thing after all these years.

Next, I had an interesting Celia CG to draw! I had this one on hold until I got my phone tripod in the mail because it's a weird pose and I wanted a ref with a full body visible.

I'm quite pleased with the results though! This one was also kind of a group effort because I got emotional support while I streamed the inking and coloring and I also got some helpful tips from my alpha testers after that helped me tweak it and make it better.

And it was another fun expression to draw X3 It was just a really nice stream.

As for the last one, I kinda went off the normal rails.

Oh... that just looks like a black screen. Okay, that didn't compress very well x'D

That's fine! I'll paint you a ~word picture~. So basically, I had a CG for mason that was supposed to be the inside of a blindfold. Which essentially would be nothing. But I wanted it to be less boring than that! 

So I made a .png of dark fabric with just a tiny bit of light poking through.

You can see it... a little better here. Compressing these images is making the light parts a lot less visible x'D So anyway, I coded a basic weird swaying animation that I could use on an image UNDER the fabric layer. So the player gets this vague sense of light and dark blobs moving behind the fabric. It looks cool in-game I swear xD

The reason I bothered putting that much work into it is because there's also a segment at the very beginning of the game where the player has a bag over their head and my old image for that was lame. So I used this stuff for that segment too. I think it looks more professional now ^o^

And I think that's about it for the week! It feels like a fast update because.... well everything went smoothly for once! LMAO

I hope you guys are also finding some ease and comfort in your lives <3 

As always, thank you so much everyone for your incredible support! I feel like I've really hit my stride with this CG work and it's definitely only possible because you guys are here backing me up and buying me food xD It's an honour and a pleasure to work for you guys!

Have a great weekend folks! <3


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