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Hello friends! I'm afraid I must start this post by tempering your expectations. Wherever they are- drop them a little. Then maybe drop them a bit more x'D

Last week was an unsavoury mix of not feeling my best, and working on spoiler heavy material that I can't even show :')

On Monday and Tuesday, I finished up yet another custom sprite for Mason [ he may not need as many sprites, but the few he needs seem to always be a lot of work! ]

I can at least show you guys a screencap of this one! ^ It took a bit longer than expected [ I know, common story coming from me lmao ] but I do feel really good about the results. This is the kind of sprite that I feel like will help set my game apart from other visual novels!

On Wednesday... I'mma be real with you, I spent all of Wednesday having an intense emotional breakdown mixed with 'significantly painful' intestinal distress. I won't paint you a word picture because I care about your mental health, but it wasn't a good time x'D

On Thursday and Friday, I got back to work and completed a second custom sprite with some interesting animation on it! And boy, I would love to show you guys and gloat about how I did it, but unfortunately it's a painfully spoilery sprite and I just.... can't :')

But I swear, I made something, it's very cool, and I'm very proud of it. And someday you'll get to see it! [ I'm sorrrryyy x'D ]

And that's about it for my meagre offerings this week! I apologize for the sparse update content! 

In good news though, I have 3 work days left this month to complete just one more custom sprite- and it's an easy one. So I'm still feeling good about my overall place in production and my wrap up of the month!

I have also decided that next month will not be a production month. I'm going to make an entire separate post about that because I want to be super sure everyone knows about it.

Thank you guys so much for your patience and for your incredibly kind support. I feel so lucky to be able to stumble like this sometimes and still be able to get myself back up, dust myself off, and get right back into things. Even when things in my life are not a pleasure, it is ALWAYS a pleasure to be working for you!


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