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Hello friends! I'm gonna warn you guys right off the bat that I feel fairly sick today so this update might be slightly incoherent [ sorry! also dont worry its not the 'rona ]

I had been feeling a little under the weather over the last week but honestly I don't think it held me back much in terms of production- it was still a pretty good week!

Like I mentioned in my last update, I slammed through Celia's endings on Monday and Tuesday, so I was free to use my last three days to get started on Mason's sprite situation.

Before I got started, I decided to rewrite the first bit of the intro. It's not a very long part! I just didn't like the initial position of the player or the choice of CG, so I replaced the thumb with something I like better and rewrote the scene in a way that I felt was both more engaging and more true to Mason's character.

Now it starts off with a blindfold :D This is the first game I've made with 'side-sprites' that accompany the dialogue on the dialogue window, so I didn't think to use them to their full potential. 

I've realized while working that I can make 'blank screen' or simple CG scenes more interesting by using the side-sprites and allowing the player to see a characters expressions, even when the 'player character' wouldn't be seeing them.

I've only drawn a couple of expressions for Mason so far, but I'm finding it to be a surprising and unique challenge.

After working on Derek and Celia [ who are both moody and very expressive ], I'm suddenly having to show a lot of restraint. Mason's expressions are a lot more subtle, and subtle isn't generally my strong suit LMAO

I'll leave you guys with his 'most extreme' expression so far, a charming smile

I'm looking forward to next week and just working on Mason's route and relaxing while watching the trees turn yellow~

I hope you guys are finding some peace and relaxation too. Thank you so much for keeping me company!


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