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Hi everyone! ^o^ It'll be a sort of boring update this week since everything has simply gone exactly to schedule! Although in this case, I'd say no news is definitely good news LMAO

This week I finished the Mason sprite and 2 more- Jaqueline and Tom from Derek's route.

Fun fact, Mason is actually a bit shrunk on his sprite so I can fit him into the screen properly. He's so tall [ 6'5" ] that if I sized him to fit exactly with the other sprites, he'd go off the screen. Luckily, he has his own route so I don't need to worry about him being placed right beside the other sprites.

Tom is probably the first fellow victim you'll run across in the desert. He is a sweet bean and should be protected.

Jaqueline is a little more spicy and if you manage to help her, she can be a very powerful ally- but it's not easy.

I'm not sure who I'm gonna tackle next. Probably Richard... but next week will likely be exactly the same with time to do 2.5 more sprites. I have uhhh.... well I have 5 more characters for the basic sprites. Then I can do some special expressions and positions for some characters. Celia will likely need the most since she spends a lot of time just hanging out with MC compared to Derek or Mason.

Anywho! That's pretty much it for this week! Real short and sweet!

Thank you so much guys as always for your kind words and support. It's finally feeling like summer here in mid Canada and I'm feeling happy, healthy, and productive! It's an absolute pleasure working for you <3 Til next week! <3


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