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Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing okay in these tough times!

As I mentioned last week, I did manage to get a repetitive stress injury on my wrist/arm, but I've taken every possible precaution and opportunity to change my ways so I can keep working and stay healthy at the same time :D!

I've been strictly adhering to a schedule with break to stretch every 30mins and religiously wearing my brace whenever I'm not working, including while I sleep.

Things are looking good for my recovery!

I'm also very proud to announce that I've managed to keep up with background work! I'm only a single staircase drawing away from being finished with Celia's backgrounds. 

I've prepared a couple preview images to show everyone just how many backgrounds I've made so far!

Here we have 7 main areas on Mason's path- each with 4 different painted variants for times of day. The player will mostly see the day and night versions, but for one hour at sunrise and sunset there will be special images as well <3 Sunrise and sunset are more important in Mason's path and mark different dangers, so I wanted to let the player have a visual warning for time changes as well as treating them to another pretty picture XD

I'll be using this method for Derek's backgrounds as well since the gameplay is similar and also mostly outdoors.

Celia's backgrounds have a markedly different flavour to them, and they won't be changing with the time of day since the player doesn't get to know the time of day as they're trapped underground in her abandoned office building. Instead, these images will change slightly over time as the player's sanity drops to have harsher lighting.

Like I mentioned, I still have once single background to do for her [ and I think I'll throw in another image of a pinpad since while I'm at it that's technically not a background but it's similar work so why not ]

Then it's on to Derek's backgrounds!

After all the backgrounds are done, I'll be moving on to sprites which I'm sure will be more exciting for everyone XD But one thing at a time!

I'm just happy that I'm making such steady progress. I'm also happy with how the backgrounds are coming out. I think I've managed to improve my work a lot since I last made backgrounds for BTD2. 

And that's about all for now! I may have to squeak some time out for a couple of coding updates [ I need to program the lighting mechanic in Celia's path and I'd like to draw the fire effect in Mason's path properly and to draw the new logo with new game name ] so I might take a week to catch up on that stuff after Celia's last two backgrounds are done. We'll see- and I'll keep you updated as always! <3

Thank you so much everyone for all your support, and for your kindness. During these days, I feel very lucky to be working from home for all of you and that my life hasn't actually been impacted so much by things. I'm incredibly lucky and I'm honored that you guys are willing to continue to support me through this weird time in history.

Love you all! <3


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