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Woops! My Saturday update is a little late, sorry! It's been a busy weekend since I had to stream/design merch all Saturday and do annoying emailling chores today. But late is better than never!

It was a short week since the month only started on Wednesday, but I still feel like I have some stuff to talk about!

I used Wednesday mostly to gather some effects I'd been working on to jazz up the ending screens- Death being the most common, but the survival screen and another one got updates as well.

I also updated the pause menu to include spaces for the credits and warnings screens. These still have to be written but the screens at least exist now.

For Thursday and Friday, it was back to the editing and sketching grind! I mostly chunked away at Derek-centered events [ he harasses the player quite a bit ] and a bit of Jack/Jaqueline.  

I added several more placeholder cgs [ although I am trying my damnedest to be sparing with them... I am noticing a 'too-many-cgs' problem, especially in derek's path ] and gave placeholder sprites to Tom and Jaqueline.

Here's a couple placeholders featuring Jack- this scenario comes up if you find Jaqueline in danger and raise a ruckus to get his attention instead. It's a nice thing to do but it won't end well for the player ^^;

And here's a cap of Tom and Jaqueline, if you managed to save both of them and find some place to hide. I love them very much and I'm so glad I went to you guys for their designs! <3

Anyway! I'll keep this short for a short week and wish you all a wonderful January! I'll be checking in again with more tidbits next Saturday! [ on time this time I hope... ]


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