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Good news everyone!


Well, the first pass, which is admittedly somewhat barebones and bland, but YOU HAVE TO START SOMEWHERE! And once we get to testing, I'm hoping some feedback can help me edit it and get it real nice and polished <3

Last night was a long slog of work- the 'main ending' branch of Derek's path turned out to have 5 goddamn different endings [ and that's after I smashed them down as much as possible ]. If you reach that section of the game, your ending will depend on who you've saved, whether you have a weapon, and if you've seen certain events beforehand @_@


Judging by the location of the scroll bar on my script file, Derek's path ended up being the heaviest. That's not much of a surprise since there's so many damn characters and I got pretty caught up in letting them all have important scenes.

SO!? What's next?

Next week I'll be working on menu screens. Heavy coding that could go fast if I'm lucky, or slowly if I have trouble getting the code to behave.

I need to design:

- A timed menu screen [ I wasn't going to include any but a couple instances where I wanted one came up on Derek's path :/ They're be very simple- only one menu option. You just have to click it or press space in time. ]

- Death collection screen

- CG collection screen

- A help/tutorial screen

- A warnings screen/menu

And after those, I'll be doing the scribble/thumbnail version of CGs!

Then I can finally begin art and testing!!!

But for now, it's all about those screens. I'm hoping I can report a lot of success on those next week! Fingers crossed!

Thank you everyone so much for your support!! It feels so good to have the basic writing done!!!


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