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Hi guys! This Saturday I decided on making a video update to jazz things up! If you can't listen to audio, you can go to the video and view the description to see a text version of what I say! <3

Thank you so much everyone!


Hunt Month 6 Video Update

Here's a sort of close approximation of the video in text form, if you can't watch a video or listen to audio: "Hi everyone! Today I wanted to do a video update since I kinda skipped the update last week and have a bit of visual updates to show. So the first thing I wanted to show is the map. This time it's a pretty simple system since I'm feeling like the player can more easily see their surroundings, so they don't really have to earn a map. They'll just activate the map system by standing in the highest area for the first time. Not a whole lot to show here, but it's working smoothly! Another thing I wanted to show you guys is the stand-in character sketch sprites. These are now inserted for every character in the game, which makes dialogue a bit more fun to look at. As for the programming, I've managed to get a fair bit of writing done, but I still have a couple things left to do. I was really hoping to be done the writing by now but... this month has been a bit tough with keeping my focus. I know seasonal change can be kinda hard with this stuff but I also have a schedule to keep so I've been trying my best. I find that going to the gym has been helping me stay at least somewhat on track. Anyway, I've gotten to the point where you can save all three captives, and then talk with them in a safe area- at least in theory. You'll notice here I only have Tom saved... I have the coding in for the other two but I realized this morning as I was trying to set up that the timing of events is.... uh... a little too harsh, and it's actually impossible to save jaqueline if you saved tom. I didn't account for the player running out of energy and needing to sleep and stuff. So I will be fixing that shortly! Obviously... And after that, I just need to do a couple more status related deaths and the final scene. The final scene is technically one scene, but it's gonna be more like writing six scenes, since it will change depending no who's dead and who's alive by that point, and... I made it pretty complicated. Then I can move on to putting in placeholder cgs! Which I think will be fun but possibly time consuming! I'm not actually sure, since I've never done it before. But once THAt's done, we will finally be able to move on to the first wave of testing while I start drawing real final art. It's kind of daunting to think of all the work but it's also exciting, seeing how far I've come. And I'm excited to keep going forward! So, a big final thank you to you guys for supporting me, not just financially but emotionally too. It means so much to me to be able to work on this and talk with you guys, so thank you. Stay safe everyone, and bye for now!"


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