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I just wanted to make a quick post to my Patrons. 

Times are very tight for me and I'm struggling with a lot of battles. My husband ran off after years of emotional abuse and took basically everything- including the car, TV, every single game system, and my nice green colander that I got from the Japanese dollar store, like who the fuck does that


I got into a safe apartment building by myself and have recently completed my application for Alberta's Residential Tenancies Safer Spaces act, so I'll no longer be pursued by my previous landlord who can't find my coward husband!

Unfortunately, the apartment I moved into was infested badly with cockroaches. Apparently the previous tenant was a disgusting motherfucker, brought them in with weird food or something, and just let them multiply. The good news with that is that through my own massive effort and a fogging on the 13th, they're dead!! There will be another fogging so I can't unpack or cook or eat in my apartment, but things are improving. My new landlord went on vacation for the entire month so I managed to email and get the head of the whole company to talk to me directly on the phone. I'm proud of myself but also very sweaty. He said they will now be taking care of the open hole in the drywall where they nested- which is great because it has a horrible smell that's not very conducive to cooking. 

Why I'm telling you all of this is because I want you guys to know how much you've helped me. Because of Patreon, and your support, I've been able to pay my bills this month. [ I had let the money collect for a few months XD ] Which made this entire nightmare portion of my life a little easier to deal with.

You've genuinely, massively improved my life. Thank you so much. From the bottom of my soul, Thank You!!!



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