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Hello folks! It's time for more updates!

Art Finalization Progress: 123/738

I started off last week by reworking the standing Strade sprite. It needed some tweaks in my opinion to make him look more casual and less stiff in his posing.

The old version:


The new version:


Then I got down to finalizing and coloring the parts! This standing sprite is actually cut up into bodies and heads.


The reason I did this is so that I could mix and match his expressions and body pose changes without having to make more sprites.

Although, now at this later stage, I'm really not so sure it actually saved me much work LMAO the effort of cutting them up and coding them together [ and into place properly ] was pretty high too. And I noticed a few errors in the final sprites that will have to be addressed [ things like some heads not being placed properly on a body that's tilting it's neck to the side- that sort of thing. ]

But that's okay! That kind of thing isn't too hard to fix :)

Here's a few examples of how things look all put together in the game!


Everything was going really great and quite smooth, until Wednesday evening. As I waited for my dinner to warm up in the microwave, a sudden thought hit me.

I meant to finish the Ren side sprites!


So I went back and finished all of those on Friday 😂

There aren't as many of those so I'll just show you one :)

I ended up shortening his neck just a little bit compared to the one I showed last week. I accidentally drew it a bit too long due to the collar mentally obscuring it I think haha!


All in all, I think it was a pretty productive week, I did get 40 images done. But I still have a few standing sprites of Strade left to do. Some specialty ones like him turned around, and his entire set of nighttime standing sprites.

I'm not very happy with how the sketches of the night sprites look so I think I'll have to do some redrawing on those too. But that's okay!

This method of doing defined sketches months before finalization has had an unexpected but very welcome benefit- with so much time between a proper sketch and the final stage, I'm able to see errors and things to tweak much more easily. I'm sure anyone else who does creative stuff has experienced this- sometimes you just gotta step away for a while to get clarity and a new perspective.


One last thing I thought I'd mention:

Last week I got quite a few messages from people warning me that someone is out there leaking my Patreon content.

I really appreciate you guys watching out for me and wanting the best for my business!!!

However, there really isn't anything I can do about this sort of thing. I don't have accounts on social media and I won't be making any. I also have no authority over people LMAO And truly, even if I was able to convince one person to stop, I'm sure 5 more would just take their place.

So, what I'd like to say on the matter is this: Please don't worry too much about people leaking my Patreon content. My watermarks seem to be doing a great job of advertising for me, and I never post anything on Patreon that I can't have leaked. I've been keeping the best images and story changes to myself, and I'll continue to do so :)

Instead, I want to thank you all deeply and sincerely for being so generous and supporting me when you don't really have to.

I'm so lucky to have people like you guys signed up to my Patreon, buying my merch on Etsy, and just being so kind and hyped for my work. I simply don't have time to be upset about leaks when I have so much to be grateful for.

And don't worry- I certainly won't be cancelling anything due to leaks. I LOVE working on this game. I love working on games more than I enjoy releasing them LMAO Something like that would never stop me.


Anyway, that's enough for this long as hell update!! I hope you guys are having a lovely late spring day!

Stay safe and see you next week! ^o^



Hello Gato You've probably been asked about this many times, but will there be a Russian translation on Steam?


No, but for my new games I am going to try to program something new and special for them. I cannot promise this feature because I haven't coded it yet and I don't know if it will work. But, I would like to try and create a system where people can easily make fan translation files and just add them to a folder in the game to be able to use them. This way, fans could create any translation they need and even distribute them to each other without ever needing to pirate the game. If that goes well, I could promote trustworthy translation code files on my personal website too.


Amazing work I love your art so much it motivates me to draw more 🖤