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Hello, lots of new people who all subbed after I released "LEVELS."

If you want scans of all my drawings, you have the dropbox link. ENJOY!

If you want to chat with me live at absolutely random times (when I feel like it, but usually at least once a day, JOIN THE MATH CLASS DISCORD ROOM. I prioritize it, but no one uses it yet.

If you want to show up and ask me questions LIVE, I do that once a month (2nd Saturday) for OFFICE HOURS patrons only! 7:00 to 8:30pm US Eastern.

If you want to get my ear and tell me what you think of my stuff, what you want me to do next, or any requests for special Patreon-only content, do that IN THESE THREADS! 

When you subscribe here, what you're buying is the privilege of being the loudest of my followers so that I hear you first, plus digital versions of all my drawings. USE IT!



I actually had a question, was wondering if you’re gonna get back into the life coaching stuff?


Ok I looked all over Discord for the "Math Class" room. There isn't one.


i think you have to connect your discord to patreon, after you've gotten the math class membership. you do it on the patreon side on settings