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I am starting tiers for Patrons. The first one is access to my documents. More coming soon.


Hello everyone! I am balancing many things at once. I set up a Patreon, but I don't have any special content to offer subscribers. It's just for donations right now.

Please let me know what you would WANT access to in exchange for monthly payment! I need ideas!



I pledged because I think you are saying important things. There is another guy in YouTube who is really good, his YouTube name is alex.datepsych, and between the two of you I've learnt so much. I'd love for you to watch some of his videos and maybe react to them on your YouTube. Maybe even invite him on for a discussion podcast style. Just suggestions, I'm not trying to tell you how to run things. Good luck!


I saw your video about fixing your insecurities and changing behaviors for the better (the one about the hoe phase) and I was wondering if you were gonna make a video talking more in depth about your personal experience. If it’s something that you only provide in your coaching sessions, let me know.


Yes, I'll go into more depth about insecurity at some point. I can help more directly in sessions, but I can also explain int in a video. Getting over insecurity is all about re-wiring your deeper beliefs.