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hello guys, I know we have been pretty silent here for the last couple months, and please do not think we have stopped or given up, on the contrary we been hard at work!!

here are some of the improvements we have done so far :)

Development Update

-Migration to the newest version of the Engine to be compatible with all the new features that have been added to the recent versions.

-Restructure of all the elements of the project to find any element quicker

-Created structures that allow us to have the Project much more organized
-Elimination of the old text files to make easier to implement new languages on the game

-Developed a custom tool that allows us to add, save and store Dialogs faster and more efficient

-Same Conversation with the NPC, but easier to edit, and with more interaction modes

-New Event System that easily interacts with the conversations

-Character dynamic creation (for text events)

-New Types of dialogs to add visual depending the type

-New UI Manager that allow us have less elements on the scene to focus the CPU and Ram Power to the InGame Stuff

-Screen reworked to make it work with the new UIManager

-Implemented a new NPC manager that allows the control of the NPC individaly instead of modify all of them

-Dynamically Search the Information to avoid future bugs and error on the conversation Manager

-Dynamic creation of classes that are highly complex of that are extremely repetitive to do it manually

Basically what we are doing here is a refactor so the game runs as smooth as possible
and I sure hope we will get a brand new playable build in the next month!



Sounds great! I love the refactor you made, you really do useful things! In the meantime, keep up the good work and make good progress!