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once again, thank you all tons for supporting us another month, you guys are the best!

now a little bit about the build and the one for the next month

As you can see, there is nothing much "new" to it, by this I mean visually, whats new on it its more about coding than anything. we added the enemy spawner and a few bullet hell locations (where the screen stops moving and enemies show up) its not much of a visual update but it is a huge step in coding.

for the next build, we have decided to focus on Vanessa a 100% (as stated on the read me file inside the game build .rar file) we have all moves and animations for her done and we just want to put them all together, code it and call her done.

Now a bit of a sad news, the new enemy, Chelsea, we wont put her in the demo, this is to meet the demo deadline, this means the only enemy in the demo will be Jeeves, the one currently in game. The reason behind this is that the fight/combo mechanics are going to be complex, right now we just have the bare bones of it but we are no where near done on that aspect, so rather than adding another enemy we prefer to focus on the battle mechanics from this point on, until the demo is ready, to make sure the game play is fun and can stand on its own.

The good news is, now that the programmers have pretty much everything they need to work, Boobella, Pawsy and my self, will be working hard on those awesome sex scenes, we have been dragging them for too long and personally, I feel very happy that we finally get to tackle them! so expect some hot animated sex real soon.

that is all for now and once again, many thanks for your amazing support, stay golden guys!



I keep getting stuck at the first park bench. I beat the guys that show up and the screen moves as if to let me move on, but I'm still locked into the combat area where the minions spawned.


me as well it worked the first time but after that can't get any progress

Silas Dasgupta

Apologies for sounding like a noob, but how do you complete each level. In the first one, I reached the end after beating up all the enemies and nothing happened


I had this problem too. When you kill the them wait for the camera to zoom back out and then move onwards, I noticed it only does it if you try moving before the camera does it's thing after the fight ends