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so I just read quiet a few questions about the same subject, and instead of answering one by one I decided to make a post, hopefully this will make things clear :)

the most important question is:

---"how can I get past rewards?"

the short answer is, you can't, at least not on patreon, reward links are sent by mail, this is due to a simple reason and its to avoid scammers.

it would be very easy to make a pledge in the middle of the month download all the goods and then cancel right away before patreon charges, I know this sounds kinda BS, but please do keep in mind there are many people working behind this project, tirelessly and it would be nice if we could eat out of this too.

HOW EVER! I am 100%concern that it should be an option and that why we have our discord channel, where you can do many things, one of them being requesting past rewards, its easier for us to do it that way because patreon is not the most efficient site to have this sort of links and content due to the page being updated, the links would get lost eventually between posts.

so if you havent joined our patreon, you should totally do it! we have a nice comunity there, live feed, read suggestions and bugs, not only that but you get a headstart on the raffle times! (this should answer another question too, yes discord channel is still a thing)


---"How can I get the current build for the game?"

if you pledge in the middle of the month your best bet is to get in the discord channel, I'm telling you, there are many good things there! if you pledge right at the end of a month I would suggest you wait just a little bit for the newer build since we release it at the first week (give or take, depending on when patreon sends the pledges)of each month.

I hope this clears things a bit, if you have any other questions at all, feel free to ask here, I will make sure to answer as best as I can!



the discord invite isn't working


the invite has expired?


soo.. where is the answer for those who are members and not since the middle of the month?


sorry for the late reply, pledging in the middle of the month is ok, but we can not force the production of the game, the builds schedule are always at the start of each month, and must of the time it takes a bit more due to bugs, we just dont want to deliver a faulty product, even if its an alpha.


I'm new to discord but I seem to also have a dead invite link