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-What's new?
We mainly focused on bug cleaning and fixing, but there are a few new things too, like the quest board and a new gathering section

-Small peek at build 32
finalize and polish all menus so we can finally take those out of the way and focus all efforts on the main character, Jane!

 the public build has been updated as well to build 29.0 





honestly this gamez gonna be amazing when it is done, ..something about d art style reminds me of joe mad


OMG,...thats some really sweet concept art


The art for the game really is phenomenal but gameplay is a little off at times and the esc menu doesn't seem to show HP or allow quick use of items. Also if the settings of the game could be accessed to lower quality and windowed mode would be great


did you play the public build or the latest? cuz we added a quick menu to be able to use potions and quickly heal setting will be added eventually for sure :)


I don't know if I am missing something, but is the only way for the nsfw content from the farm?