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I have to apologies for the lack of streams about game development and the updates since our last build, as I mentioned in that build, we are focusing on the enemy AI and this is taking a lot of time just yesterday we just did the foundation for it but its still a long way to go, how ever there are a few side updates to report, like a couple more animations and SFX other than that its just enemy AI

you will see this AI in the next build but its not perfect by any means.

this means, there are very little rewards this month because of that, and to make up to you I will give out the comics where the main characters appear, Vanessa and Karen. Karen's comic its still in the making but very close to finish, I will focus on that for the next few weeks and give these away to all tiers as an apology.

once this is done, I will be taking some weeks off the comic and just focus on game development until probably jan11-15 where I will be taking some weeks off of any work, please understand I am only human and I need to rest from time to time.

so, with this said the schedule is as follows:

-Comic work (Karen's comic) from now until December 18

-Game-dev work and streams from December 19 until Jan 14

-Rest from Jan 15 til Jan 29 I think, depends how I feel really, normally I cant stand more than a week without doing any kind of productive work, so 2 to 3 weeks I'm guessing but after that is back to game dev and comic work

As I stated in a past post here, I will be adding an extra tier here and making some changes in the tier rewards, don't worry, they are good changes! you will just have to wait for the surprise :)

on the mean time, don't forget to join the livestreams


Remember I stream almost daily, so come join, watch the shows and ask anything you want about the comics or CougarX!

Hope to see you there! :D


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