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  Couple new weapons to be added in the december build, both from patrons:
left=Ruhlman's Ram by Syrila (a heavy lance)
right=The Jiro by Jairo  (some sort of infected/tainted glaive)

 There IS a 3th weapon to be added, which is ready, but that one will be a surprise
you gonna have to play the build to see it.
 The 3 new weapons are already animated and ready!



taboolicious (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 09:45:13 you know.... tiny printed weapons would make for an awesome little perk >_> I must get a 3D printer now
2018-12-12 04:42:01 you know.... tiny printed weapons would make for an awesome little perk >_> I must get a 3D printer now

you know.... tiny printed weapons would make for an awesome little perk >_> I must get a 3D printer now