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Right, well, the other thing I’ve learned about the little-seen race of Saurians (some of them still call themselves Archosaurians, I heard, though as a scientist I object to that) is to do with their names. They’ve a whole great naming tradition that’s quite entertaining, at least to the likes of me. See, they’re almost all sporting these untranslatable, slightly lengthy monikers. I think they appeal to the ‘reptile brain,’ as it were. Usually they capture some meaningful sound, but not sounds you or I would enjoy hearing.

The ones I’ve known were named, as I noted down:

· Knell-of-Death-Rung-Upon-the-Enemy’s-Holy-Bells

· Cry-of-Uncertain-Hope-Bestowed-by-the-Turning-of-Foes

· Crackle-of-Sainted-Bones-Upon-the-Foreign-Beaches

· Keen-of-Weapons-Upon-the-Air-in-the-Places-Once-Peaceful

· Rush-of-Blood-From-Deadly-Wound-Which-Will-Nourish-the-Dirt-in-Time

As we weren’t in company long and they tended to discourage personal questions, I didn’t ask about the particular cultural origin or significance of these names to their owners.

One, however, was named “Joey,” which was obviously a very different handle from the others. I did dare to ask about that name’s meaning, and I was informed that it is short for “Josef.” This was such a reasonable answer that I didn’t feel it would be polite to press any further.




I love weird naming conventions! These remind me of the kinds of names angels get in Kill Six Billion Demons. Very fun!


I haven't actually read Kill Six Billion Demons yet (although Psu has). You're not the first recommendation I've heard though.

Miy Eterp

That's interesting 🤔