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Gunwild: I wonder if she had to special order a wetsuit with uncovered legs.

Psu: I think she got them at the same place Lara Croft got hers. Though that logo was special ordered for this occasion.

Gunwild: I really like the detail of them talking using radio bursts. The "burst" being how I sometimes describe that shape of balloon.

Psu: I think the detail I was most proud of was having Zeke’s little water tight bag floating up. They’re clearly not very deep and that’s okay! This is just part of their pleasant beach vacay. And a nice excuse to get to draw a tight swimsuit.

Gunwild: And a cool diving rebreather mask! I can actually think of a way we could use it again...

Psu: I suppppose I could’ve drawn more fish. But what I’m really happy with is how deep the perspective looks. You can get that kinda effect just by painting a white texture and then transforming it into the right angle. It’s an art magic trick I would end up using a lot after this!

Gunwild: I didn't really care for the credits song in Avatar: The Way of Water.

Psu: We’re really scrounging around for things to say about this one. But I guess that’s what we get. It’s like being shown a friend’s photos from their vacation in the Caribbean. And you’re like… “that’s nice, it looked beautiful!”

Gunwild: Yeah and you sit like "I didn't get to go there... aww..." Zeke sinks to the bottom though, that's canon. He's heavy and non-bouyant. No backsies.

Psu: I bet Zeke and Peia would bring back souvenirs. Like what did they get Minx and Penny?

Gunwild: Maybe the unused Cassiopeia disguise outfits.

Psu: Now there’s a thought for future drawings. Penny and Minx raiding Peia’s closet.

Gunwild: Sounds like exactly the kind of thing that ends up in the Art Update tier.

Psu: Well while we’re fishing for ideas.

Gunwild: I wonder if Zeke just has a bag full of fish, they don't seem like they'd be hard to just grab...

Psu: Nah. Zeke prefers to let things be free I bet. Especially fishies.

Gunwild: Cassiopeia prefers free fish too, because she enjoys not paying for things.

Psu: I’d settle for someone bringing me back a magnet.

Gunwild: To put on your cyborg friends!




Did you folks forget to paste the updated webcomic link?


warm water scuba and snorkel is done with bare legs, totally canon