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Gunwild: I like how those two panels, and indeed only part of them, are the clear stars of the page.

Brellom: That's the power of being cute. The timing is well handled and the implied motion feels surprisingly smooth. My other favourite part is the shape carved out by the light within Feti's hair. I probably had fun with that. The slight blue glow from the tablet is good too.

Psu: Okay, maybe a fun little behind the scenes fact. To draw Cassiopeia like that, it's exactly what it looks like and I just copied the first Cassiopeia drawing and flipped it horizontally and redrew her from the back. You probably wouldn't want to do this if say... you wanted to realistically draw someone turning around. But as someone who learned all their humor from the 2000s era internet, nothing is funnier than drawing something "incorrectly."

Gunwild: Yes. Also, I know they're low-tech, but I specifically requested the big dumb floppy flippers, because people walking around in them on land are always funny. At least to me.

Psu: It makes you look like a duck. Which for many people would be an improvement. So I think we talked about this in the page commentary at the time when we posted the page, but I MUST'VE been thinking about Asbury Park, New Jersey when I drew this. What with the boardwalk and stuff. I thought about going back there today just for a fun weekend day trip. But it is kinda ungodly hot out right now...

Gunwild: Nothing in the newspost about it. Mostly I think we were happy it was starting to be more okay to go places 'cause of vaccines and stuff. As implied by the first panel.

Psu: Ah yeah. Getting outside can help one's mood. And I think we wanted to express that. But we also thought, "who in our comic needs a vacation the most?"

Gunwild: It was probably you.

Psu: Well I was actually thinking about Feti. But I will say, it was PROBABLY me that said "wouldn't it be fun to draw Feti in a classy swim suit for an entire chapter?"

Brellom: "Feti deserves a vacation, so let's have her stressed instead." Writers, am I right? Anyway, I have a feeling that Feti started to become a bit more popular after this page in particular. We should draw more characters in classy swimsuits for an entire chapter.

Psu: And isn't that truly, the real reason for any beach episode/escapade/adventure?



Miy Eterp

Yeah classic 😂


I like the detail of apologizing for the glint.